292 research outputs found

    A variational principle for computing slow invariant manifolds in dissipative dynamical systems

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    A key issue in dimension reduction of dissipative dynamical systems with spectral gaps is the identification of slow invariant manifolds. We present theoretical and numerical results for a variational approach to the problem of computing such manifolds for kinetic models using trajectory optimization. The corresponding objective functional reflects a variational principle that characterizes trajectories on, respectively near, slow invariant manifolds. For a two-dimensional linear system and a common nonlinear test problem we show analytically that the variational approach asymptotically identifies the exact slow invariant manifold in the limit of both an infinite time horizon of the variational problem with fixed spectral gap and infinite spectral gap with a fixed finite time horizon. Numerical results for the linear and nonlinear model problems as well as a more realistic higher-dimensional chemical reaction mechanism are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Procedural Modeling and Physically Based Rendering for Synthetic Data Generation in Automotive Applications

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    We present an overview and evaluation of a new, systematic approach for generation of highly realistic, annotated synthetic data for training of deep neural networks in computer vision tasks. The main contribution is a procedural world modeling approach enabling high variability coupled with physically accurate image synthesis, and is a departure from the hand-modeled virtual worlds and approximate image synthesis methods used in real-time applications. The benefits of our approach include flexible, physically accurate and scalable image synthesis, implicit wide coverage of classes and features, and complete data introspection for annotations, which all contribute to quality and cost efficiency. To evaluate our approach and the efficacy of the resulting data, we use semantic segmentation for autonomous vehicles and robotic navigation as the main application, and we train multiple deep learning architectures using synthetic data with and without fine tuning on organic (i.e. real-world) data. The evaluation shows that our approach improves the neural network's performance and that even modest implementation efforts produce state-of-the-art results.Comment: The project web page at http://vcl.itn.liu.se/publications/2017/TKWU17/ contains a version of the paper with high-resolution images as well as additional materia

    On Probability of Support Recovery for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Using Mutual Coherence

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    In this paper we present a new coherence-based performance guarantee for the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm. A lower bound for the probability of correctly identifying the support of a sparse signal with additive white Gaussian noise is derived. Compared to previous work, the new bound takes into account the signal parameters such as dynamic range, noise variance, and sparsity. Numerical simulations show significant improvements over previous work and a closer match to empirically obtained results of the OMP algorithm.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1608.0038

    Single-frame Regularization for Temporally Stable CNNs

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can model complicated non-linear relations between images. However, they are notoriously sensitive to small changes in the input. Most CNNs trained to describe image-to-image mappings generate temporally unstable results when applied to video sequences, leading to flickering artifacts and other inconsistencies over time. In order to use CNNs for video material, previous methods have relied on estimating dense frame-to-frame motion information (optical flow) in the training and/or the inference phase, or by exploring recurrent learning structures. We take a different approach to the problem, posing temporal stability as a regularization of the cost function. The regularization is formulated to account for different types of motion that can occur between frames, so that temporally stable CNNs can be trained without the need for video material or expensive motion estimation. The training can be performed as a fine-tuning operation, without architectural modifications of the CNN. Our evaluation shows that the training strategy leads to large improvements in temporal smoothness. Moreover, for small datasets the regularization can help in boosting the generalization performance to a much larger extent than what is possible with na\"ive augmentation strategies


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    We present a novel system capable of capturing high dynamic range (HDR) Light Probes at video speed. Each Light Probe frame is built from an individual full set of exposures, all of which are captured within the frame time. The exposures are processed and assembled into a mantissa-exponent representation image within the camera unit before output, and then streamed to a standard PC. As an example, the system is capable of capturing Light Probe Images with a resolution of 512x512 pixels using a set of 10 exposures covering 15 f-stops at a frame rate of up to 25 final HDR frames per second. The system is built around commercial special-purpose camera hardware with on-chip programmable image processing logic and tightly integrated frame buffer memory, and the algorithm is implemented as custom downloadable microcode software

    FROST-BRDF: A Fast and Robust Optimal Sampling Technique for BRDF Acquisition

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    Efficient and accurate BRDF acquisition of real world materials is a challenging research problem that requires sampling millions of incident light and viewing directions. To accelerate the acquisition process, one needs to find a minimal set of sampling directions such that the recovery of the full BRDF is accurate and robust given such samples. In this paper, we formulate BRDF acquisition as a compressed sensing problem, where the sensing operator is one that performs sub-sampling of the BRDF signal according to a set of optimal sample directions. To solve this problem, we propose the Fast and Robust Optimal Sampling Technique (FROST) for designing a provably optimal sub-sampling operator that places light-view samples such that the recovery error is minimized. FROST casts the problem of designing an optimal sub-sampling operator for compressed sensing into a sparse representation formulation under the Multiple Measurement Vector (MMV) signal model. The proposed reformulation is exact, i.e. without any approximations, hence it converts an intractable combinatorial problem into one that can be solved with standard optimization techniques. As a result, FROST is accompanied by strong theoretical guarantees from the field of compressed sensing. We perform a thorough analysis of FROST-BRDF using a 10-fold cross-validation with publicly available BRDF datasets and show significant advantages compared to the state-of-the-art with respect to reconstruction quality. Finally, FROST is simple, both conceptually and in terms of implementation, it produces consistent results at each run, and it is at least two orders of magnitude faster than the prior art.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG